Our Music Video
Our Album Cover

Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Question One
What do you think you learnt from Monday's workshop? You could discuss anything you like - technical, performance, production process, directing, the various roles, specific skills - anything you think is relevant.
Monday’s workshop gave me a useful insight into how professional music videos are made. I realised how time consuming it is and how every person on set, both in front and behind the camera, need to stay focused in order to make the process as quick as possible.
Recreating an actual music video meant that various pre-production stages had already been completed and we could concentrate more on the technical aspects of making a music video. The creative choices such as (set design, costume, and choreography) had already been decided so all we had to do was mimic them as closely as we could. For example, finding an authentic looking baseball jacket for the jock character to wear as well as books to put in the library set.
When looking at performance, it's extremely important that everyone gives 110% in order for the music video to be a success. There are a couple shots where it could be seen that the cast weren't performing to the best of their effort and it really made editing difficult in some places.
The workshop really gave us a good insight into the role of a director. They have to constantly be "on the ball", making sure their vision is being brought to life. It was really helpful that while Jake was directing, he was still talking to us; he would make a decision and then explain why that decision had been made.
I also got the chance to work as part of the crew and held up the light during most of shooting of the library scenes. It made me realise how important lighting is as the lamp has to be held in the right position but it is heavy so it does end up dropping a bit. You have to be careful not to let it drop too far and end up in the frame. Definitely hard work but at least I got a work-out
- Labels: prelim
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Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Question Two
What was the best bit of the day and why?
The best bit of the day for me was being able to preform and watch everyone else preform. The warm-up exercise we had done with Jasmine and the fact that we had already met all the crew meant that everyone was relaxed and it was a lively, friendly atmosphere.
I enjoyed actually seeing how the crane shots are filmed. I knew that in big Hollywood productions, electric "fireman" cranes are used so it was useful to see a smaller scale, hand-operated crane.
I loved the fact that for the tracking shots in the hallway, they used a wheelchair. It showed me that when filming my own music video, I have to be creative with the equipment I use and even if I can't afford expensive, professional equipment, I can still achieve the same professional-looking effect.
It didn't feel embarrassing to have to preform while people watched as everyone was in the same boat as me and we all had to be really corny and put really cheesy smiles on :D
- Labels: prelim
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Monday, July 19, 2010
Question Three
Are you pleased with your edit? Is it how you expected it to look? Identify the successes and failures of your edited version. In hindsight, what would you do differently at the production stage?
During the actual filming workshop, I was worried that ours wouldn't match up to the video at all. One of my main concerns was the library set as it didn't look like a library to me at all. The gym floor could still be seen but from an audience point of view (who has no idea where the footage was shot), the use of other props such as bookshelves and posters do make it look convincing.
I was also concerned about the change of characters between the hallway and the gym scene. I thought that the jump between characters would detach the audience from the actual music video and make them like it less.
I was really glad about the costumes especially the costumes for the primary characters as they look really similar to the music video characters.
However, after editing the music video, I'm really happy about the final outcome. We managed to get all the shots necessary to convincingly recreate the original music video.
There are times where the lighting for shots are different when they should be the same which makes the footage look less seamless than it should.
In hindsight, I would make more time to shoot the locker shot. We had to use the shot from the original music video which does look slightly odd but overall, it isn't that much of an issue.
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Sunday, July 18, 2010
Question Four
Has the lip sync task benefited you in any way?
The lip synch task definitely loosened me up and made me more relaxed performance wise. It was a really fun experience and made clear the importance of knowing the lyrics through and through (ad-libs and all) in order to the make the lip-synch as convincing as possible.
It was highly beneficial to edit it as we realised that when lip-syncing, you definitely have to sing out loud. As in some places, we found that we were mumbling and our lips weren't moving enough which doesn't look convincing at all.
Overall, this lip-synch task has given me a valuable insight into what needs to be done when making our own music video and has definitely made me better prepared in case I am a preformer in our own music video.
- Labels: prelim
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Saturday, July 17, 2010
Question Five
How do you think the work you have completed for the preliminary tasks will impact on your real music video project?
The preliminary tasks have given be a helpful insight into what needs to be done when creating my music video.
I now have experience both in front and behind the camera so I'm prepared to fill any role I need to in the production of my own music video. I've gained more confidence and I'm more relaxed performance-wise so I won't be as hesitant to take on a main role.
These tasks have also showed me how important planning is so that you can ensure you have all the shots you need.
- Labels: prelim
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